How To Setup ZERIF PRO WordPress Theme


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my name , Robert from, tomorrow and , today, will show, you how, you can set,the, riff, Pro Word Press theme to, look and , work , the demo but, with Little twist , keep, watching, this video to, see how, you , can use this theme for any, type,business including an, shop , first , all you need to, download, the , theme from, our website , then upload install, and activate,using the license from your purchase , history after, this,set and done , you',, get some plug-, recommendations , I suggest you install all , them even , the revive, old post this Word Press , plug-,, helps you,keep your old post , alive by, sharing them and driving more , traffic, from, Twitter Facebook,Linked',, get, the links for these , plugin sin, the description below , activate, those plugins then, move over,the live demo , the race, Pro, water , scene,our website this,the home , page, with a big title section, and , call-,-action, buttons overs , full-screen, image you can activate,deactivate, those buttons and I', show , you, how,,the next, minutes , scrolling down, you will, see more, awesome , sections such as the, portfolio where, you , can showcase your work, back , the top , this beautiful menu with, intuitive icons , for, wardress, website can , done,following the, instructions,another , video suggested right, now , the top , corner of this screen watch this video , until the end, for detailed demonstration , about how,implement, fully , functional online shot, into this website , now let's , back into, our, dashboard and , start, with the firstcustomizable , section , here you are able, ,, upload, a custom , level set, the site title tagline and,,, the custom graphic use,a browser , and app icon , the sections order as , its name, implies, you, can rearrange, the , home page sections according , your , preferences',, keep it how,,,default, now the colors, section, gives you , the way , play around with, the footer , colors general, colors and the button , colors this section , where you can , choose,use save, funds disable, the , producible route school enable , accessibility and, type , your own total , copyright , even the custom Google , Analytic code the, last options are,change, the template , full weight, for , all pages, display featured image,posts and displays, featured image,page set your personal, contact , information,the footer, section , options type your email to, replace the , default one, inside this code,, clickable and,the same, with, all,the necessary information here place all,your preferred social media profile , links into the social options, field then , move , footer area one, two three and , insert , image , you wish,display , here, hit the save and publish button , after, finishing a section , be sure , you'll never, lose the change already , done, you can customize the background , settings he reusing, 4, options including , a slider , aback ground, video , the big title section,what every , visitor sees firs ton, landing here and , ,,,important part of, your website,you check this box the, section will , disappear from the homepage, I, recommend,keep this section active change the , text in every, field with your own answer , clings , the active buttons , you wish,deactivate, button , both just , delete the text in that particular field , and, the button will, disappear , buttons , will remain active set, the colors for , them here including, text and hover , effects and you can also, set the big , title background color and text color , parallax effect is something, unique you , can set here using two image one for the , background and, another one with , transparency in, the foreground all off , the recommend dimensions, for image, can , be found,the bottom , the, page you , can access with click, ,, theme info then , fill documentation now let's, start , customizing the sections below, this,the first section, of Easter, series after , scrolling down here, you can set the main , title and, suggestive subtitle about , what your business is focused,set the , colors for every box then, add for our , focus widgets fill , the blank fields , for, every box with custom text and image , then, move , the next, section, you, need,have , lea stone, portfolio written , created in order , activate this , section , suggestion,create , minimum four, items back , your , dashboard hover with your mouse over the , portfolio , the left menu then add new , set the title tags and most importantly , choose the featured image add, the , portfolio return , a specific category , then hit publish repeat, this process for , every hidden in, your portfolio,back , the customize for dissection , and, check out the results, when it's , activated you can, just open the , portfolio items,litigant, this,a good strategy to, keep, your visitors,your homepage after they hit the close , button set the maximum, number of , portfolio items,display , least four , for best visual experience then, set the , content the single page display option , and colors, are fish in the val ta section , the, first option , the check,hide,but keep ,, active for now the main , content , very set the title subtitle , the left-side content and the middle , content you, have four, features here that , can be subs,one%, with different , colors for every turn use those features,show , your skills for, example next,, set up the background color, title , color numbers, color and climb stipple , color,your business , older and, have , some happy clients you can show them,,here , activating the above, section , widgets with the custom the, risk, clients , widget add a title link and , image , then hit apply repeat, the process for , all , your happy clients you wish,, displayed here then click Save and , publish , just, after you, set , prefer title,the last option, of this, section do you , have a team with nice people, working , hard to, make your clients, happy show , them,this section using the , options , seat, custom, title and, a , subtitle in, the header area set the , colors for this, section then, move , the , our team section widgets and, click,Dada, service,memory , fill up every, field with proper , information and, set , image for that , number then , the, same for every member,your team here , the section I , encourage you to, use, often to, show,honest testimonials from your, clients , typos, compelling title and, subtitle , choose, matching colors then, add content , to as, many widgets you might wish,displayed, the ribbon sections are , colorful options to, display, text near a , call , action button, with custom colors , for background and the button the button , link might redirect to a landing, page , for your product, ,, services but, keep,,mind to, create one before moving,,short, codes are, custom elements that can , carry,,oilskin, form for , example or,image slider you can play , around, herewith almost unlimited , options, and add , many new, fields as , you, wish , use set the main content , title subtitle with custom text choose , the colors and the contact , section,,done save, and publish then move tithe , next, section the, packages, section,where you can display, prices and details , about your, product , services using the , service package widget set the color , title subtitle price, currency and, price , meta button label button, link even, a, CV , link take , open in, a new window if , needed then, type short phrases , describing your offer , threaten field , click, apply then , the, same for every , package until the last one for the , google, map section you, just need,,simply type , your business, address , check the show Google, Maps action box,,activate it , get more advanced map , options please install, the Word Press , Google Maps , the latest news section , very show,,all of you late rs both, from, your blog , just keep,mind to tick the show , latest news sections ,, settings here , the easiest way , activate this, section,adding a blog subscriptions widget , powered,topographer, the main title , and, subtitle , the header set, the , background color to, white, then, add a , widget named blog, subscriptions and fill , every field with, your own custom text , set the visibility then, hit apply your , menus and menu items, can , created here , and, for the finishing touch, with , intuitive icons click to, watch the , suggest view above created especially , for this, purpose to, connect every menu , eaten, with the, specific sections, of the , homepage you need, ,, set anchors for , the min, your menu settings create custom , links and copied anchors from seeing , evil ,, clicking, the, view documentation , from here you can copy, and paste every , anchor as, needed focus for our focus , section about us, for the about Us , section works anchor, for the portfolio , and,on you, might notice, here the mega , menu with two columns and, intuitive , icons follow the video suggested , the , right, top corner of the screen , see , how easy it,,set it up for yourself , widgets, are elements , your sidebar , area on, a, page or post, that, can,added , that,,,removed from here set , content for your widgets , the footer , area by, accessing the widget sin, your , appearance menu, keep the static front , page of, your latest posts for this, setup , but you must , to create, a custom page , anytime , using your Caesars, knowledge and only,you know what to, do right, here your code,change some default CSS ,, this theme , the quadriplegia-,active and , configured so, the last section is , something you can use, ,, gain more , visibility, for other, blog, posts, wit has , visual, compelling style at the end,each post the video, about how to, setup , an online, shop , this website using, the , WooCommerceplugin, ,, here for you AIs , mentioned thanks for watching check out , our latest tutorials about WordPress , please share them , you like what you , see hit, the like button and ask, any , question , the comment section below , help,inform you about new uploads,hitting the subscribe button right, here ,  

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